Sam Richter booking

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Sam Richter

Price indication: On request

The Internet has RADICALLY CHANGED the way that people buy and sell. Buyers have more information than ever, and they don’t have time to waste in data gathering meetings. Yet while buying behavior has changed, people still sell pretty much the same way they have for the past 50 years. THAT’S CRAZY!!!

If your sales and marketing teams aren’t taking advantage of social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and others as intelligence gathering tools; if you’re not using the secret search tricks that Google and other websites provide to learn more about prospects, clients, and competitors — THEN YOU’RE MISSING OUT ON BIG TIME BUSINESS.

Considered one of THE world’s foremost Sales Intelligence thought leaders, Sam Richter takes something everyone intuitively knows — Knowledge Is Power! — and turns it into reality. Every sales training program and book teaches the value of knowing what’s important to the other person and connecting on a personal level. But no one tells you HOW to do it. Until now!

Through real-world examples, humor, success stories (and some failures), and via his unique interactive and fast-paced manner, Sam will guide you through the world of online information, how to find it and how to apply it to build meaningful prospect and client relationships. His programs will WOW! you and your attendees, and he’s guaranteed to be one of the most high-content, take-home-value presenters your organization has ever had.

What Sam teaches is RELEVANCE ACCELERATION — how to tell your company’s story in a manner that your buyer cares about and wants to hear. Sam’s completely customized programs will shock you, sometimes scare you, and always provide you new and innovative ways to find new prospects, connect with people, and build powerful and meaningful business relationships.

Sam Richter is an internationally recognized expert on sales, marketing, and leadership. His award-winning experience includes building innovative technology, sales, and marketing programs for start-up companies and some of the world’s most famous brands.

Price hire Sam Richter

Do you want to hire Sam Richter? Directly request a quote. In 48 hours we can send you the availability of Sam Richter If you would like to book Sam Richter, Entertainment Booking Agency is the right place. We will offer you the best price and contact the management or we directly contact Sam Richter. For corporate appearances or speaking engagements you can contact our agents and the will help you true the process.

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Tags: hire Sam Richter, Sam Richter booking, book Sam Richter, Sam Richter appearances, find more information on booking Sam Richter for appearances, Sam Richter speaking engagements, Sam Richter endorsements/spokesperson, Sam Richter appearance fees, Sam Richter booking agency contact info, biography of Sam Richter, Contact an artist booking talent agent find a speakers bureau that can book Sam Richter, speaker booking agency for Sam Richter, Sam Richter booking agency, Sam Richter booking for corporate event.

EBA is one of the biggest entertainment booking agencies in the World. We book hundreds of celebrities, artist, athletes and speakers in a year. Important to know is that we are not claiming to be the management of Sam Richter. We are not the official agent for Sam Richter. Companies from around the globe book these artists and speakers true our company be course we have one of the biggest networks and we always have direct contact with the artist or the management. We help you to find the right celebrities for your corporate of private events. Please contact one of our agents to get free advice and we will help to get the world-famous artist on your party.