Hire a celebrity

Jennifer Aniston

As experts for years, we’ve booked the world’s most famous celebrities for all kinds of events. From global artists to football players, from white screen stars to corporate decision makers. You name someone and our agents will have access to your favourite celebrity. If you hire a celebrity we assure you a successful event. By experience we know a celebrity will make the difference.

More than just booking
Being one of the world’s leading booking agencies we can take care of all necessary arrangements. From booking to contracting. We will also advise you about logistics, technical production and dealing with necessary documents. As we are used to touring with celebrities we can see to travel itineraries. Besides we take care of all necessary arrangements, permits and scheduling on location.

We don’t just select and contract celebrities. We create memories that will last for ages. As we work for multinationals and the largest companies in the world we are familiar with all the wishes and needs you can imagine. Every individual desire is our challenge. We offer you total support to choose, select and hire the perfect celebrity for your company or project.

From pop star to politician
As we have an extensive database of celebrities at our disposal we can always offer a celebrity that meets your wishes completely. A pop star, a sports celebrity, an actress or a politician? We take care. Our devotion combined with our high quality and experience will bring you success. Don’t know which celebrity fits best? We help you out. All our agents have direct access to celebrities all over the globe to arrange the perfect match.

Al Pacino


Arguably the greatest and most accomplished actor of his generation, Al Pacino became a cultural icon thanks to revered performances in a wide range of classic films, including “The Godfather”…

Colin Quinn

collin quinn

Colin Quinn is an Irish-American comedian. He was born in Brooklyn and was raised in the Park Slope section of the borough. His gravelly Brooklyn accent and mannerisms are a…

Aaron Carter


Aaron was born in Tampa, Florida. He is the younger brother of Nick Carter(one of the stars of the teen supergroup The Backstreet Boys and has three sisters (Angel Carter…

Adam Baldwin


Baldwin was born in Chicago, Illinois. He studied at New Trier Township High School East in Winnetka, Illinois, and once worked as a truck driver. Appearing in dozens of films since…

Adam Busch

Adam busch

Adam Busch stars in the TBS hit series, “Men At Work,” in which he co-stars with with Danny Masterson, James Lesure and Michael Cassidy. He is known to most audiences…